About us.

COMPLETE Product Development’s principal, Paula Durham, has developed hundreds of successful and innovative products for major food and beverage brands as well as private label products for retailers such as 7-Eleven, Coles Myer and Loblaws.   The approach to Product Development is both creative and technical, services extending to advising companies on regulatory compliance and food safety.

Experience in both food retail and manufacturing, allows for a holistic approach and in-depth understanding of how to navigate the nuances of the supplier / retailer relationship for seamless product launches.

Paula understands that all clients have knowledge specific to their products and industry and aims to provide a service that adds value to enhance the skills of your team and to fill any gaps as needed.  In other words, COMPLETE Product Development provides the services you need when you need them. 

Worked with Industry Leaders including:



Paula Durham
Principal Consultant

I hold a Bachelor of Food Science degree from Reading University, UK and consider myself as one of the lucky ones that followed a career in an industry that they love!

After 30 years in the Food and Beverage industry, I still thrive on the never-ending challenges it brings. The thrill of seeing a new product I’ve worked on hit the supermarket shelves is incredibly rewarding. There's a vast amount of knowledge and detailed work that goes on behind the scenes to get a product on the shelf—more than the customer will ever know. I like to think of a product launch as a Broadway production on opening night.

With extensive experience in both food retail and manufacturing, I’ve developed hundreds of successful and innovative products.  I bring a holistic approach, based on a solid Food Science foundation, in-depth knowledge of the Food Standards Code and of multiple product categories and manufacturing processes.

I understand that each client has unique knowledge specific to their products and industry. My goal is to provide a creative and technical service that adds value, enhancing the skills of your team and filling any gaps as needed.  Together, we can turn product ideas into commercial reality and bring exciting new products to the market.